Be Well (3 easy ways)

Take good care of yourself

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If you are like me there are so many demands being made on you. And they all need your attention right now.

But the main thing to remember is that no matter how loud each requirement, demand, distraction or entanglement becomes, if you are not taking good care of yourself you will be unable to satisfy any of them.

So start with eating well. This means something different for everyone, but you know what is best for you. You know what it is like when your body feels fit and healthy. Make it a point to get those foods into your body.

Then, of course, be sure to exercise. A walk is always a good idea – it can be a quick brisk ’round-the-block walk. If you have more time or energy, make it a hike. Or whatever exercise gets you revitalized.

Finally, get a good night sleep. Go to bed now if you can! Or at least as soon as possible. Turn off the TV and computer, put down the book and get yourself to sleep.

These three simple things will make a huge difference.

That’s it.
Eat. Move. Sleep.
And be well.
