Don’t Listen To Your Intuition!

Don’t Listen To Your Intuition!


OK, I should have said “Don’t ONLY listen to your intuition.”

It is not enough to just listen to your intuition. That is the start, for sure, but you must go further than that.

Listen to your intuition.  Trust your intuition.  Follow your intuition.

All three of these are essential and they are each a little different. Let’s take a quick look at them.

Listen to your intuition. This is the first step. Your intuition is that small voice that is telling you what is best for you. It can be so small. Not a big deal at all, but it is your voice and it is your truth.

When we start out (and even when we have been at it a long time) we may listen to our intuition, but sometimes not trust it and ultimately not follow it.

Let me give you an example – this happened to me just this morning.

I was driving to my class at the dojo and on my way I passed the bakery where they sell wheat-free pizza that my kids love. Now, as it turned out, I was planning to get pizza for them at the bakery for supper this evening. But I knew I would pass this way later in the day on my way back home.

So far, no big deal. I’m just driving along.

But as I got closer the bakery, I heard a small voice inside say, “Stop and get the pizzas now.”

“That is weird,” I think to myself because I never go shopping in the morning, I always pick up in the afternoon. “Stop and get the pizzas now,” I hear.

Can’t be bothered. “Get them now.”

They will get too hot in the car. “Get them now.”

I’ll be by here later. “Get them now.”

I had LISTENED to my intuition, I surely heard it and I knew exactly what it was telling me, but I didn’t trust it and I certainly did not follow it. I kept driving.

So what happened? Yup, you guessed it. I got to the bakery in the afternoon and all the pizzas were sold out. “It’s so strange,” the sales clerk said, “we never run out this early in the afternoon.”

Ok. So the consequences of this example are not really such a big deal. Plan B for dinner.

But what happened is that eventually my inner voice stopped telling me what to do in this situation. I ignored it and just kept driving.

This story is a micro-picture of what happens when you continuously stop paying attention to your intuition. If you ignore it enough, it stops informing you.

So the first step is to listen to your intuition. But in order to get anywhere with what you hear, you must also TRUST your intuition.

Know that your intuition is completely trust worthy.

In all situations.

Every time.


Your intuition will never lead you astray.

When I get to the point where I feel like my intuition is leading me someplace weird (picking up pizzas early in the morning) that is when I (usually) just say aloud to myself, “I trust my intuition.”

By saying this, it allows that extra moment or two to collect myself and it opens up the opportunity for the next step.

And the next step is to FOLLOW my intuition.

This is the juicy action, this is the good stuff. This is what keeps you from second guessing yourself. This is what directs your life to what is very best and true for you.

Sometimes there is no explanation in the results to suggest what would have happened if you did not follow your intuition.

Like the pizzas, had I gone first thing in the morning, I would have never known that later they would run out. It’s just a matter of trusting that your intuition is right.

So actually, yes, listen to your intuition.

And by all means, trust your intuition.

And most importantly, follow your intuition.

It may lead you on some big adventures and a few off the beaten track errands, but it will never lead you astray.



5 Minutes Sitting At A Stop Light

Every once in a while I miss the light at a huge intersection with many lanes and turn lanes and road construction and just a lot of traffic.

And sometimes, I sit at the traffic light for more than 5 minutes. That is annoying. Do I have extra time in my day to sit at a single traffic light for 5 minutes?

I do not! And yet, not much to be done about it – sometimes it just happens.

What could I do with those 5 minutes if I had not got caught in traffic?

I could watch some extra commercials on TV. Stand in a long line at the grocery store. Look for a parking spot in a busy part of town. Wait for a new software update to download. I could even spend those 5 minutes on the toll bridge plaza!

Hmm, I really don’t have any extra time for those things either, but they seem to creep into my life none-the-less.

So how about it – how about a 5 Minute Meditation. You know which one I am talking about:

Sit down.

Set your cell phone timer for 5 minutes.

Close your eyes.


(pretty simple)

It is a huge gift that you give yourself when you spend a little time in stillness. Getting to a place of stillness is not adding one more thing to your frantic schedule. It is making room for your breath, your well being, yourself. This is putting on your oxygen mask.

Ahhh, that sounds so much better to spend those 5 minutes breathing and bringing a moment of stillness into your life. It will assist you with making clear decisions and help you to be calm and centered.

Maybe it seems like you don’t have time for meditation, but what the heck – give it a try. (It is better than waiting for a traffic light!)



PS. Go here to get a FREE app for The Meditation Project meditation posts. They are great reminders and inspiration to help out your daily meditation. Created by Anne Grothaus.

You Already Know

You already have the answer within yourself. You already know exactly what to do. Of course, sometimes distractions and other people’s opinions and ideas from the world around you make it difficult to hear your own voice. But it’s in there. It’s inside you.

So just listen. Stop what you are doing and take the time to sit quietly and listen. You will always find the truth inside of yourself if you listen quietly, carefully and patiently.

Paris Meditation – La Tour Eiffel

I’ve already enjoyed a number of transformative meditations here in Paris – alone as well as with others. And I was meeting a friend later tonight for another shared session. So, at this point, I was not planning on a meditation for the evening. In fact, I was taking some time for myself to enjoy the sights – it has been a while since I’ve been to Paris.

But alas, if there is one thing I have learned on this trip, it is to not make assumptions about what I have planned and what is being planned for me. I trust the process and magic of serendipity…

On my way to see the Eiffel Tower I get lost. Again!! Except of course, one cannot really get lost in Paris, one can only wonder around drinking in the glory of the city. I walk and walk and walk and then finally, because there is a bit of time consideration, I get a taxi to bring me the rest of the way.

The sun has already set, so I can see in the distance that the Tower is already lit up. No matter how many times I see the Eiffel Tower, I am amazed by how big it is. How grand it is. How larger-than-life it is.

It is glowing, gleaming, glorious. Damn she is beautiful!

The plaza is filled with people, hundreds of people. It is buzzing…and that is the funny part, because with all of these people it is simply buzzing. By contrast, I experienced last week the Djema El-fna Plaza in the Medina of Marrakesh screaming with unbridled excitement and rush.

Continuously this trip has revealed to me multiple layers of contrasts.

So, knowing that this is a buzzing but calm crowd, and although it’s dark, it is the Eiffel Tower. And I know, I know, I know that I must do a public meditation. Right here. Right now. On the spot. No fanfare, no announcement, just do it.

OK, it’s my first time meditating out in the world at night. So first I assess whether it is indeed safe. There are many vendors hawking wares, but they are generally aggressive only in the aspect of trying to make a sale as opposed to hassling women who are alone…we will see.

It is easy to find a spot and so I don my sunglasses and settle in. I wonder if it is going to be too much of a distraction. The crowd is mild, but the Eiffel Tower is Positively Looming! Let’s give it a try.

Surprisingly, the first thing I notice is how still I immediately become. Not just still, but statuesque. Still. Unmoving. Grounded. At home I can sit still for long periods of time, up to 2-3 hours at a time. But this is different. This is deeper and instantaneous.

Then I realize that I have tapped into the Tower! It had the opposite effect of what I assumed, imagined, supposed. Another contrast. Rather than the anticipated distraction, The Eiffel Tower was instead grounding me. Clearly there was no use in trying to dictate this meditation (as if there ever is – ha!) I am a passenger on this journey. Really this is an opportunity to sit back – or in this case, sit still – and let it take me.

Having my martial arts training ingrained in me, I am always aware of my surroundings, especially in a new environment, especially in the dark, even as I surrender to the force of the Tower. At one point I heard the crunching of gravel as someone approached me, a vendor. “Excuse me, Madame…” But I knew he has commissioned sales to make and he knows the cues for who is a buyer and who is not. I am clearly not – sitting perfectly still, completely straight, dark glasses. He left promptly.

For this meditation, there was no monkey mind – just a visual and unexpected journey. The images that came to mind were the contrasts between temporary and permanence.

Temporary is all about change.
You are here – change.
Then you are here – change.
Now you are here – change.
The aspect of temporary is continuous change.

Permanence has change in it, but because it so much slower or perhaps vaster, permanence doesn’t represent change, it represents presence amidst change.

I saw an image of the tower and all of the people milling about…with a sense of urgency of a time elapsed film I saw those people leave and then the next group arrived. They too left and then the next group came and left and so on all through the history of the 120 plus years of the Eiffel Tower. Coming and going. Coming and going. The people were the temporary expression while the Tower just stood with permanence. Weather, seasons, years, politics, construction, and a river of people all represented the aspect of temporary as the Eiffel Tower stood still and glorious and dignified. Then I saw my own temporariness, my own body spring forth and then decay while the Tower stood.

Abruptly I saw the Tower gone. Not so much having disappeared, but rather not having been at all. The time before the Eiffel Tower was built a mere 122 years ago. I sensed the place in Paris before La Tour Eiffel, and then the place on the earth we call Paris, before France, before Europe, before countries.

Suddenly in that moment of realization that which previously seemed permanent, the Eiffel Tower, became the temporary. And I notice myself again. Not my body, but my soul. I noticed that my presence shifted from the temporary, my body, to the permanence, my soul.


I was absorbing the permanence and length of my soul when my body martial arts awareness kicked in and I heard the gravel crunching again of someone approaching.

Two men…jovial, playful, slightly drunk. And Way Too Close To Me.

Back to the moment,
back to power of the moment,
back to the temporary,
back to the power of temporary as in…
Change now!

I flashed open my eyes, stood up and walked off. Possibly an abrupt sight, but my awareness alerted me to get moving, change locations immediately

So I did!

Ah, the beauty of contrasts, of the yin and yang, the back and forth, the lovely and delicious balance of the permanence and the temporary…and back again.

And that was my Nighttime, Public, Out In The World, Eiffel Tower Meditation.


Good Morning Dan!

Good Morning Dan!

This post is for my brother Dan. And for all of us…

Ah, the crazy busy life ~ so much to do, so many places to be, demands, requirements, distractions. So many things that have to get done Right Now!

How am I ever going to get from this spot in front of my computer over to my meditation spot. It is only 2 and half feet away. And yet…

OK, I’m going to do it!

I know it I make it over there and just sit for a minute, I will stay for 5 minutes.
I know if I make it over there and just sit for 5 minutes, I will stay for 10 minutes.
I know that once I settle in for 20 minutes, a full hour is easy.

And then everything is easier, smoother, better.

When I meditate every day, I am more efficient, effective, positive, disciplined, patient.
I am more kind.

Meditate Every Day.

Blessings to you Dan, and to each of us.

Meditate. Every Day.