The first time I heard about making a daily gratitude list it sounded like a good idea, but I did not think it would really make much difference to anything in my life.
The next time I heard about making a daily gratitude list I thought, “hmmm, maybe I should try that…” By the third time I heard about it, I was in a bit of a slump and decided to just go for it already.
So I got a 39¢ notebook and started listing 5 gratitudes every day.
WOW! I was not prepared for what happened next. Everything, I mean everything in my life changed. I stopped complaining. And once I stopped complaining, my body stopped having aches and pains. I started to enjoy the very things that I could not tolerate. I was really able to reframe experiences in my life to see them from a different perspective.
It was so simple and so immediate that it took me by surprise. I love my gratitude list and so I want to share with you my list of what I am thankful for today.
1. My Family. I know this seems so obvious that it is almost corny. But once I started to place my family at the top of my gratitude list, I began to be grateful for them. And I was much less irritated with them. (And let me tell you – that is something everyone was grateful for!)
2. Financial Well Being. When I started to express gratitude for my financial well being, a huge shift occurred in my life that had far reaching consequences. Instead of feeling like there was never enough, I became aware that there was always plenty.
3. Good Health. OK, there have been times of sickness – some worse than others – and I really don’t like that. But I remind myself that if I am alive and kicking, right here right now, then I have something to be grateful for.
4. Friends. Without friends, I’d be lost. It’s that simple. Thanks to my wonderful delicious fabulous friends – I luv ya!
OK, now for number 5 – something frivolous and random and something I enjoy and appreciate…those delicious French cookies I had last week (such a treat!), a good cup of tea, lunch with a friend, a book that makes me laugh, a book that makes me cry, an autumn walk, making all the lights on the way home, a good parking spot!! All of them and more…
I am so blessed. And so are you.
Write up your 5 gratitudes and share them here. Do it every day and experience surprising little miracles.
My 5 gratitudes are:
1. my family
2. my body
3. my art
4. my house
5. my friends
1. my living, heart-pounding, breathing body
2. the health of my family
3. the hot cup of tea on my desk
4. the ample electricity in all the sockets
5. the weather (including the rain)
Oh yeah – Now that is good stuff!
Heart pounding!
Hot tea!
and lots of amps!
I love how you are thankful for your family’s health – so huge, so big.
And the rain…
thnx Dan!
Sane mind in healthy body, fabulous spouse and lovely childen. hot tea!, freedoms in my adopted country,
Oh yes!!! What a great reminder. I have toyed with the concept of gratitude pages before but after reading your blog, I know it is time!!! Thanks!
P.S As I write this it is Thanksgiving day and the 3 things I am grateful for are:
1. Family/Friends/Loved Ones – all the people in my life.
2. My health and well being.
3. Nature: fresh air, cold ocean spray, green forests with mossy earth and glorious sunsets.
4. (actually this should be 2) My son Paul and is wonderful true love Lourdes.
5. Prosperity.
I agree! I also am so thankful for nature – it completely transforms me to be in nature…and of course Paul. ♥
Awesome list Talia! ♥
I ran into a few hurdles after my first month of maintaining a daily list of “Something I’m thankful for”:
• I didn’t do it daily. Not even close.
• There were still plenty of things to be un-thankful for.
• What was I going to do with this new paperwork?? Do I really need another box full of old lists??
As I was contemplating my dilemma I remembered a radio interview I heard this month. Something about how you’re supposed to maintain a balance of 3 positive thoughts for every negative thought in order to maintain a healthy attitude. It is supposedly scientific. Either way it makes sense.
Anyway, it gave me an idea. I tore the page out of the notebook, mentally tossed on a few grievances, crumpled up the piece of paper and threw it in the waste basket. Relief on more than one level!
I’m starting over with a new blank sheet of paper. There will definitely be some repeats but some of the grievances will probably need repeating too:)
Yes, I know what you mean – one more thing to do!! – are you kidding??
the gratitude list need not be one more thing to do every day. Maybe do it for a week. Or even just on a day when it feels like a gratitude check-in might be just the thing.
Forget about the daily list. From time to time, have a gratitude walk around the block, or think of a couple of good things while driving.
Also, I am going to suggest something that sounds kinda crazy… how about an un-gratitude list. you mentioned how many things there are to be un-thankful for.
Once I wrote out on a huge piece of paper “Things I HATE” and kept it posted for a while. It was so satisfying to have it out there! Eventually, I got bored with it and even realized after a while that some of the things on the list were not so bad after all.
This morning in fact, I was having an inward grumbling about this and that. While I cleaned the kitchen I was anything but grateful. But as I washed the dishes and all of my discontent spilled out, sure enough, it started to shift and I could begin to see the good in the situation that was bothering me.
I think the key is to get it OUT instead of holding it in.
And I LOVE, love, love your idea of crumpling the paper of grievances and tossing it out! Thanks for that great idea!
Thanks Dan for your comments!
ps…I’m enjoying a nice cuppa Barry’s Irish tea right now. 🙂