Do you see the humor in this?

Eventually it will be funny.

There are so many laughable things that happen during life.
Of course they may not be humorous at the time, but eventually they are funny.

I remember my father as a jovial man and raising 10 kids could not be an easy task. (Yup, that’s right, I’m from a family of ten kids. I’m the eighth one.) Although he had to often be stern and serious, you could see under it all he had a twinkle in his eye.

He used to whistle around the house when he came home from work.

Sometimes when one of us got in trouble, he would ask us, “Do you see the humor in this?” Although technically we were supposed to be getting scolded, I always felt as if he, in fact, did see the humor in the situation.

Once when I was a teenager, I snuck out of the house to hang out with a friend. Not much happened. She was a neighbor girl and we ended up just walking around the block a couple of times before we got bored and both went home.

When I came back, I climbed onto the roof to sneak into my bedroom window. But getting up to the window, I found it locked! What? I was in disbelief. How could the window be locked? Did it latch itself when I closed it? No, I was careful to leave it slightly open. Perplexed, my mind raced to figure out how I was going to get back into the locked house.

That is when I heard my dad coming around the corner. “What are you doing up there young lady?!” he bellowed.

No, this can’t be! I was SO busted.

“Get down here right now!” Clearly he heard me sneak out and locked the window before I could get back in undetected.

Shaking like a leaf, I climbed down the roof and with my head hung low, marched into the house. As I made my way up to my room, my father said, “Your punishment will be given to you in the morning.” Then he went into his room and closed the door.

No way. I was tormented imagining all the possible punishments that awaited me. Oh, what a long night this was going to be.

In my bed staring up at the ceiling, the entire house was quiet except for one sound. My dad laughing in the other room.

What? I was incredulous! This was not fair that my suffering was such a source of amusement to him.

But you see, after raising so many kids, this little episode was actually no big deal compared to the antics and trouble he had already seen. I am sure the look on my face and the sharp shocked intake of breath when I realized I had been caught had been very amusing indeed to my dad.

The next morning my punishment was given. To tell you the truth I can’t even remember what it was, but knowing my parents it was probably extra work around the house for a week. I felt embarrassed for my stupidity and kept a low profile for a while.

For years I cringed when I recalled that stomach dropping sensation of getting caught.

And then, of course, one day it was funny.

Long after having moved out, I was sitting around one night with my brothers recalling the various times we had gotten in trouble and how dad always pretended to be more mad than he actually was. We all started laughing at my incident and I could finally see the humor in it.

What seemed like such a big deal at the time turned out to be quite amusing later.

Now it’s my motto and I remind myself as often as necessary: eventually it will be funny.

Feeling like something is just too much right now? Give it some time and you never know, it just might be a delightful source of amusement to you later.

Remember to not take life too seriously and to not take yourself too seriously.


Do you see the humor in this?

Beware the one arm pirate!

Having spent years training in Aikido,  it is inevitable that injuries occur. And when they do I am amazed by the story and lessons I get to learn.

For the last few months I have been nurturing a rather severe injury in my shoulder. It has limited my range of motion considerably as well as being a source of near continuous pain. The result is that I am not able to move as freely as usual and I am a bit cranky at times.

In our dojo, it is up to the injured person to decide the level of training that is safest and the partners agree to abide by those restrictions. Recently I got on the mat with my right shoulder wrapped tightly to my body to keep it immobilized and safe. On the surface it looked like I was unable to do much in the way of self defense.

Yet something interesting happened. Each person that I trained with discovered that I was not helpless, and in fact my throws were exceptionally potent from my one good side. It was a revelation and delight to be able to train both extra carefully and fully engaged.

One training partner after another came in with strikes, grabs and punches and I was able to manage them all with considerable and surprising ease. In the middle of throwing one of the young guys vigorously across the mat, someone called out playfully, “Beware the one arm pirate.”

So how does it happen that even in pain and with one arm strapped to my side unable to move, I can still throw a guy twice my size clear across the room?

Well, here is the thing. When we are injured we compensate for it in other ways. This situation forced me to rely on other skills, like clarity of my footwork, speed and agility. It also required that I place no effort into strength. Even on my best days, all of these guys are significantly stronger than I am. No, instead I had to look for the opening, the opportunity, the moment their balanced was compromised and then move in swiftly.

My job was to move carefully but confidently, trusting what I have learned through years of training on the mat, years of falling down and getting up, years of being thrown across the room and figuring out how to do that with safety and elegance.

In an odd way, my injury provided me with a shiny moment of triumph. Which quite frankly, I accept and enjoy because the rest of the time it has been just pain and physical therapy and loss of movement. And none of those things feel very good.

So here is my question for you to think about, to ponder, to consider.

How can your injuries, that place where you feel vulnerable or pain, cause you to have an advantage?

Where in your life does it look like all odds are against you, but when you reach inside to your years of strength and skill and life’s victories, you find you have an over flowing well of personal power?

Find it, tap into it.

And enjoy it.

Best blessings to you,

Trust Your Self

Trust yourself.

Far more than you realize, you have the ability to know exactly what to do in any given situation by listening to your intuition. It will guide you to the answer that is best for you.

Your intuition is a powerful tool that you can call upon at any time. Maybe your intuition is a little bit rusty from being out of use. Maybe it’s a little bit dull from neglect.

That’s ok – it’s easy to get your intuition back into shape and tip top form. How do you do that? Here are 3 simple ways:

1. Each time you hear that small voice inside of you, whispering with insight, take a moment to acknowledge it. By this small act of acknowledging your inner truth, it can begin to increase and become easier to recognize.

2. Take time out of your busy day to sit quietly and listen to yourself. Even a daily 5 Minute Meditation will allow you to hear your deepest self more readily.

3. Take a walk. Walking, without cell phone and music, is a way to relax the mind and allow your deep intuition and gut instincts to bubble up to the surface where you can recognize them easily.

So next time you are wondering what to do in a situation, tap into your intuition for guidance and trust yourself.


I Ran Away And Joined The Circus!

I ran away and joined the circus!

At the point where so much of my day was routine errands and a long list of tasks needed to be completed, my creative work had become a chore instead of a joy and I seriously needed to shake things up a bit.

Every summer when school gets out, the kids can go to camp for fun-in-the-sun and hours of playtime. This year I decide that when school finished, I was going to camp. So I packed my bags and said “See ya’ later kids, Mom is running away to join the circus!”

I don’t know who was more surprised, my children or my husband!

Actually I had been trying to convince the kids for weeks to go to circus camp because it looked like so much fun. Finally they said that I should go since I was the one so excited about it – so I did!

When I arrived at circus camp eager for a change from my daily routine, it was a delight to discover exciting new chances to learn circus tricks, multitudes of costume changes and a week of continuous fun, games and laughter.

Of course I played merrily, but I also knew how important it was to take my experience home and apply it to everyday life.

Here is what I learned:

Say Yes

Having always seen stilt walkers in parades, I felt that this was something completely out of my reach (quite literally) and would never be able to accomplish such a marvelous skill. It looked dangerous and terrifying. But I was determined to give it a try. I got up on the stilts clutching the instructor’s hand and thought, “There is no way I’m ever going to do this by myself.”

But soon enough, after a few tips and a half hour of practice, I was on my own – stilt walking and marching with astonishing ease. I can not believe the thing that seemed impossible to me for years was so easy after all.

Say YES!

Maybe there is something seemingly difficult, even impossible – say YES to it, give it a try and it very well may be much easier than you thought.

Another YES – The flying trapeze! Sure it was going to be scary, but no matter what else I did this week, the flying trapeze was absolutely required on my adventure list. It was exhilarating performing tricks upside down flying through the air!

There is power and thrill when you go way beyond your comfort zone.

Say YES!

Get Dirty

Part of trying new things is taking the chance of looking goofy or stupid. Not having it all together and polished. A great way to practice this state of glorious imperfection is to get dirty. After all, being dirty is the opposite of being polished. It’s hard to take yourself too seriously when you are dirty and you certainly can’t stay clean if you are going to play hard and have new adventures.

Since the entire circus camp was outdoors, there was plenty of opportunity to get dirty, messy and scruffy. Add clown make-up, arts and crafts, river games and sleeping in a meadow – I was ready for a serious scrub down when I was done!


Duh! (It’s circus camp after all!)

Everything feels better, looks better, tastes better when you laugh! I met new friends and we laughed, chuckled, giggled, hooted, chortled, cackled, guffawed hysterically and endlessly. Often over nothing at all except the sheer pleasure of being alive.

Laugh aloud right now – even if it is goofy – you will amuse yourself just doing it.

So if you want to shake things up and get out of the ordinary, grab some vim and verve, say YES, get dirty, laugh a lot and you’ve got circus!

Enjoy, enjoy!

I ran away and joined the circus

Keep Calm and Carry On

Keep Calm and Carry On

Every time I see that quote I imagine the Queen sitting quite properly on her throne while the citizens in her country are surrounded by chaos. I always chuckle at the incongruity of that picture in my mind, thinking that this idea of Keep Calm and Carry On is based on complete denial of reality.

Until today.

I recently had a situation that caused immediate and overwhelming distress. It turned out to be no big deal in the end, but it was a real moment of upset. Have you ever had one of those? Things are going along just fine and then some unexpected twist in a scenario or a rather unfavorable bit of news comes your way. The emotions rise, tempers flare, panic sets in and things suddenly seem out of proportion and unmanageable.

Well today my first impulse went to panic, frustration, irritation and annoyance. I could hear myself saying “Keep Calm Kathleen” and “Breathe” – all of those things that I normally count on to help me stay in the moment.

As I started to get up to take action, I heard my inner voice say, “Be Careful.” I have heard this voice before and am acutely aware that its time to settle down.

So I walked away and gave myself some time to cool off. Yes, breathe. Already it feels better. I reminded myself to Keep Calm. A moment to reassess the situation.

And the then, Carry On. The act of continuing my work that was initially at hand was key to changing this highly charged disagreement into a peaceful settlement.

By doing the “carry on” part of my day I was actually able to give myself and the situation space and time to let my creative subconscious begin to work out a solution to the dispute. It was not a denial of reality, but rather a chance for new ideas to percolate into a resolution. With relative ease and efficiency I saw my way through the heat of the confrontation.

When we gathered together later, I chose my words with care, finding out what each person needed and offered up options to everyone. At the end of the exchange, all the parties had most of what they wanted and were able to see the situation from the view of the others.

Whew, that was close. What could have been a wreck of relationships turned out just fine with each person going away feeling satisfied.

So what were the turning points?

Keep Calm – walking, breathing and taking a moment to pause.

Carry On – complete the work at hand to let the situation settle and allow the opportunity to generate a solution.

Hmmm, maybe the Queen is right after all!

When you find yourself in the heat of the moment, try it out. Keep Calm and Carry On – see if it works for you.


Create What You Think

What you think is what you create. Each time you put forth a new thought, the world within you and around you begins to make that thought come true.

When you focus on the annoyances, disappointments, irritations and resentments, they will naturally grow. And each of these things becomes more manifest, more brilliant, more embodied in your everyday life.

So here is the good news. By switching your perspective, you get to change your experience and ultimately change the outcome of your life.

Shift your perspective from what is wrong to what is right. Focus on what is working – even if it is only one small thing. Put your attention and intention on seeing the good in your life.

Now watch as your life mysteriously begins to have more of the experiences you desire. Notice a deeper sense of clarity in your work, ease in your projects, joy in your friendships and greater compassion, instead of irritation, for your family.

Take a minute to look at an old picture with fresh eyes. It is all about intention.

Give it a try and notice how the shift in perspective causes a shift in experience.

Best blessings to you,

3 Essential Steps To Learn To Say No

Sometimes it is important to say No. Maybe someone wants you to do something but you know that there is no time for it in your life. Your schedule is packed and you need a break from extra responsibilities. Other times, you don’t even want to do it and you know it is not the right thing for you to do, yet you feel pressured to accommodate someone else. Maybe out of guilt or distraction or for some other reason. In any case, it is not for you to do.

Also remember this – when you say yes to a project or task that is not right for you, there is someone else who is not going to be doing it – someone else who may be better suited or who needs the challenge but will not come forward because you have already agreed to do it.

So how do you say No?

Here are 3 important steps to take.

Get Clear

First and foremost, get clear about what is right for you. For a minute or two, forget about everyone else. Forget about other people’s demands, expectations, requirements and opinions. Sit quietly and determine what is true and right for you.

Get clear.

Maybe this takes a few sessions of stillness so you can hear yourself think clearly. Maybe a long uninterrupted walk. Whatever it takes, find a way to listen deeply to your true inner wisdom and know what is right for you.

Call Your Friend

Second, once you know what is right for you, get help from a friend. Find someone you can talk to who will completely support you and what is best for you. This person will be primarily concerned for you and your well being. Someone you know who will support your decision to do what is right in this situation. Talk to them and get them to help you stick to your resolve. Someone who will encourage you if you waiver or begin to doubt yourself.

When you get ready to communicate your No answer, this friend will be rooting for you. Make sure you tell them when you plan to deliver the news so that you have accountability for following through with your plan.

Speak Up For Yourself

Third, go do it. Write a letter, email, make a phone call, stop by the office. Whatever it is that you need to do to say No. Make it short and firm. Be gracious, courteous and clear. This is your life and you must be true to yourself.

OK that’s it. Not so bad after all.
Get clear.
Call your friend.
Speak up for yourself.

You can do it!
Let me know how it goes.

Best blessings to you,

Be Well (3 easy ways)

Take good care of yourself

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If you are like me there are so many demands being made on you. And they all need your attention right now.

But the main thing to remember is that no matter how loud each requirement, demand, distraction or entanglement becomes, if you are not taking good care of yourself you will be unable to satisfy any of them.

So start with eating well. This means something different for everyone, but you know what is best for you. You know what it is like when your body feels fit and healthy. Make it a point to get those foods into your body.

Then, of course, be sure to exercise. A walk is always a good idea – it can be a quick brisk ’round-the-block walk. If you have more time or energy, make it a hike. Or whatever exercise gets you revitalized.

Finally, get a good night sleep. Go to bed now if you can! Or at least as soon as possible. Turn off the TV and computer, put down the book and get yourself to sleep.

These three simple things will make a huge difference.

That’s it.
Eat. Move. Sleep.
And be well.



Have compassion for yourself. Often we find it easy to feel and extend compassion for others. We may feel sympathetic for their suffering or feel as if they might deserve compassion.

But when it comes to ourselves, we may be judgmental or harsh. We may blame ourselves or have a sense of shame instead of compassion and generosity of kindness.

Yet, a little bit of love can go a long way, especially when you give it to yourself. From there, you can extend it to others and they in turn can pass it on.

Simple idea.

And it is not hard to do when you remember.

Next time you sense that self judgment coming on, take a moment for gratitude and appreciation for the amazing person you are and have compassion for yourself.

Best blessings,

You know what to do

You have the answer inside of yourself. You know what to do. Maybe it is not always apparent because there are so many distractions and choices to make.

But here is a quick and simple tip that you can do to help sort out which direction to take.

Simplify your choices.

Instead of having a long drawn out internal conversation about should I do this or should I do that and what about this part of it and that part of it and what if and on and on and on.




Get your two options distilled down to the heart of the matter. Simplify your choice to one or two words.

Breathe again. And notice how much easier it is to figure what to do when you get to the most simple, direct, clear core of each choice.

Give it a try and Enjoy!


Find A New Perspective

A new perspective Consider looking at your life, your problem, your situation from a new perspective. Having trouble with that co-worker or someone in your family? Imagine the situation from a new angle, a new view.

One simple but surprisingly easy way to embody a new perspective is to quite literally look at things differently. Take a different route to work, move your desk or chair to a new place, take a walk in a different direction than you usually do.

And as you make this literal change of perspective, set your intention to have a different psychological and emotional perspective. Include in your intention the addition of compassion and a sense of amusement and I assure you things will take a new course.

Give yourself permission to be pleasantly surprised as you gain new perspective.



You Can Change The World

You can change the world.

All you have to do is be yourself 100% right now.

Each day that you are in your present moment – right here & right now – you bring an authentic and genuine expression of yourself into the world and that is the beginning of all transformation.

Change Yourself. Change The World.
Transform Yourself. Transform The World.

Be true and honest and present in this moment. Because that action and that intention of authentic, genuine, honest 100% truth will spread in your life. And the lives of those around you.

Really really, it will.

So keep at it and every moment, every day: Be Yourself.

Blessings and love,


Listen To Your Truth

Know that you have the truth inside you. You know what to do in each situation that presents itself in your life. You can access the truth, your best options, all the information you need if you are willing to take the time to listen carefully.

With care.

How do you do this?

Stop. Sit. Breathe. Wait.

Have patience and trust the process. If you sit quietly every day, you will begin to develop the ability to recognize the difference between what is your inner truth and what is the noise and distraction of the world.

It is simple and powerful.

But here is the key: Only you can do it. No one can do it for you. You can’t buy it, borrow it, steal it or otherwise get it from the outside.

You are the one who has to make the decision to create that meditation commitment. Every Day.

Start with 5 minutes. Right now. And set you timer every day this week to make time to sit in silence and stillness, with care. To hear yourself think and to listen to your truth. Enjoy.


Know That Tingly Feeling?

You know that tingly feeling?

Often times when we are trying to make a decision, there are many factors, variables and options to consider. There are agendas and ideas and other people to take into account. It can be over whelming and confusing at times.

But as you proceed, take a moment to pause. Stop. Listen. Notice. And you will be able to sense somewhere deep inside you that tingly sensation, a small voice, a butterfly in your stomach that is calling out, “Here! Look here for the answer!”

That smallest deepest sensation that is tapping, nagging, whispering, tingling, is your deepest truth trying to get your attention. And with awareness you can hear it and with courage you can follow it.

Trust it. Build on it and take action.

Maybe it is with a little trepidation at first, but each time you follow your deepest truth it becomes stronger and you become more confident in your choices.

Give it a try today.


Choose Your Words With Care

Choose your words with care.

When we speak to other people and particularly when we speak to ourselves, our words are powerful. Each word has the opportunity to affect an outcome. Each word can create action. Each word forms an impression, good or bad, that leads to a result of some sort.

You have seen how your words of encouragement to a friend may have helped them at just the right moment. You have experienced the spontaneous kind words from someone that gave you strength when you need it. You have heard words of inspiration that lead you to take a new action or a new direction in your life.

Words are powerful.

Now consider the words you use to speak to yourself. Usually we speak to ourselves in our head, but sometimes something is uttered out loud unconsciously. Have you ever said, “Oh, how could I be so stupid?” Or “What is wrong with me?”

We do that sometimes. We say mean things to ourselves that we would likely never say to someone else.

So how about this – try something this week. Choose something about yourself that you want to hear as encouragement, support or inspiration. And then, for the week, say it aloud to yourself at least once each day and see what happens.

You might be surprised, uncomfortable, relieved or something else. Don’t worry about how you will feel…just do it.

Here are some ideas: “Good job!” (short and simple) “I love my life” (Very Powerful if you do that every day) or even “Thank You” (when is the last time you thanked yourself)

Give it a try.



Can You Hear Yourself?

Can you hear yourself?

Or are there too many people, ideas, opinions and agendas roaming around in your head. I bet some are pretty loud. Even the ones that are not loud can be so persistent that it hurts.

So turn them all off.

Yup, every one of them. Your family, your work associates, your boss, your partner, your parents and your kids. Don’t forget to turn off the TV, the computer, the radio, the iPod, iPad, iPhone and iDistractions.

Are you with me? I thought so!

OK, so how do you do it?

Here is how: Stop. Sit. Breathe.

Do not be fooled by the simplicity. And do not be worried if all the noises don’t turn off right away.

But if you keep doing this, a little bit every day, one day without any effort or pressure or difficulty, you will find a moment of stillness. No noise, no one else.

And in that moment you will be able to truly, deeply hear yourself.

Start now.



Keep It Simple

Sometimes the best way to proceed is to stick to the basics. Nothin’ Fancy Here.

So in a clear effort to keep it simple, let me give you this for thought:

Meditate Every Day + Follow Your Intuition

The Meditate Every Day part of this equation can be as short and easy as a 5 Minute Meditation.

The Follow Your Intuition is as simple as a pause. When you hear that small voice, take a breath and pause for a moment. Listen to it, trust it and give yourself permission to follow it

That’s it. Enjoy!

Best to you,

6 ways to turn your “to do” list into an action plan

My “to do” list is 5 pages long! No wonder I can get so overwhelmed.

Now some of it is just stuff that is wondering around my head that I think I gotta do.

And some of it is stuff that if I ignore will eventually go away – no harm done (do I really need to post a new picture on my profile page??)

But much of it I really truly do need to do.

So what is the best way to separate the truly essential from the merely loud? And how is it possible to stop feeling guilty for not getting everything done?

Here are 6 easy ways to help get all that jumble in your head and turn it into a practical action plan.

#1 Write everything you need to do in one place. Sometimes I have bits of notes, both on paper and digital, of all the things that pop in my head for me to get done. You know what I am talking about – back of the envelope, sticky notes, reminders on my computer.

But many fragmented lists just lead to false impressions. On the one hand is seems as if there are only a few things to do because each list has only a few things on it – micro-lists I call them. On the other hand, it is easy to feel overwhelmed with the dread of having so much to do without having a realistic assessment of what those things are.

So once a week I gather up all of those bits of notes and reminders and write everything on a single piece of paper (or 5 as it turned out this week.)

#2 Separate the list into categories by type of task such as: email, errands, phone calls, forms, writing, multi-step projects. Another way to organize the list is by due date.

#3 (my favorite) Cross off the list stuff that does not matter!!! Get rid of useless things on the list and give yourself permission to let it go.

One way to stop feeling guilty about everything that does not get done is to give yourself a boost to remind yourself how awesome you are and how much work you do already.

Add to the list what you have already done and put a check next to it for completion. It is a small but psychologically important exercise to visually see “Wow, I have gotten a lot done this week already!”

#4 Assign time allotments next to each item and put it in your schedule – when you get it done check it off. What does not get done each day can be eliminated permanently or moved over to another day.

One of the benefits of this step is to see how long things really take – not how long you think it should take. This allows you to step back, take a breather, and cut yourself some slack when you feel like you have too much to do.

#5 Star the essential really important ones and do those FIRST. Let the fun stuff take place later in the day or after lunch when there is a lag.

#6 See what can be done by other people and delegate where ever possible.

Hope this helps!  Got any other ideas of how you get stuff done? I would love to hear about it!!



  1. Write to do list in one place
  2. Categorize by task or due date
  3. Cross stuff off
  4. Schedule
  5. Prioritize – important and hard work gets done first!
  6. Delegate

3 Ways To Help You Stick With Your Meditation

It ain’t easy doin’ nothin’!

Finding time to stop and sit and “do nothing” can be daunting and at times frustrating, I know. So here are 3 quick and easy things you can do to find meditation time and stick with it.

1. When your meditation doesn’t happen in it’s scheduled time, put it on your “to do” list for the day – it can be quite satisfying to mark that one off afterwards.

2. Break up the time into smaller increments. If you do a 5 Minute Meditation, go ahead and stick with that. If your regular meditation is longer, try a couple of 5-10 minute meditations during different times of the day. Morning, lunch, night time…all good times to stop and take a breather.

3. Set a timer. Sometimes when I remember something I need to do later, I set an alarm on my cell phone so I am sure to do it when I hear the beeping. Right in the middle of things if you hear that alarm going off, it is a good way to take a 5 Minute Meditation break.



Sleeping In Is Delicious

These last few days I have been crazy tired and decided to sleep in a bit. It has been delicious!

Yet, I have to admit,  when I skip my regular meditation to stay in bed it takes me so much longer to get my bearings for the day and that sleepy daze takes a little longer to shake and get my focus going.

When I sleep in, I still have a meditation later in the day. But for me and my schedule and my personal needs, it is just not the same as the first-thing-in-the-morning meditation that I have cultivated.

So here is my new adjustment – keep my date with myself and stick to my regular scheduled early, early morning meditation time and then if I need to slip in a quick nap, I do.

Right now my minivan is my rockin’ nap machine. I grab a few winks while I am waiting to pick up the kids either at the bus stop or in the school parking lot before class gets out. (I’ve been a mom for over 16 years now and I assure you no one even looks twice if they see me napping in the minivan for ten minutes!!)

The discipline of sticking to my meditation plan is so so so worth it! But to be honest, I have to keep reminding myself that this is what I need to do.

A million more comfortable options present themselves. Actually, at 4:30 in the morning, only one comfortable option presents itself!

And if I get off track for a couple of days I can really feel it and every other aspect of my life is eager for the benefits of that early morning stillness.

So I tell you this because I need to remind myself. We all need encouragement and I am here to heartily encourage you to find the meditation time that best works for you and stick with it. And sharing this with you is an encouragement for me as well.

Having the support of others makes a huge difference – really it does! So thanks for helping me stay on track and let me know if I can help you, too!

Here are 3 good ideas to help you stick to your meditation plan:

1. Find a friend to help keep you on task. You do the same for your friend and each of you benefit from the support.

2. You can post your meditation plan right here (A little secret, once you make it public, there is a bit of accountability to stick to it.)

3. Schedule it in your planner – keep the appointment just like you would any other.

Give them a try and see what works best for you! Let me know how it goes…
